How To Stop Comparing Myself To Others
Sep 24, 2017Comparing… What do you think of when you see that word? Do you cringe and immediately feel inferior? Do you imagine someone who “isn’t as good as you” and smile …
Comparing… What do you think of when you see that word? Do you cringe and immediately feel inferior? Do you imagine someone who “isn’t as good as you” and smile …
Encouraging someone is to infuse courage in them by saying and doing things that build them up. Here are five tangible things you can do this week: openly speaking positively …
I have emotional needs that must be met, and so does my hubby. These are called love languages. Let’s picture these emotional needs as a giant “love tank”. My love …
My top three priorities as a wife and mother should be in this order: 1). God 2). Husband 3). Children Sometimes it’s difficult to prioritize my spouse before my child, because …
If you often describe yourself as unsettled and overwhelmed – or if you have trouble sleeping or relaxing – you might be struggling with anxiety. Here are a few common things …
Why switch to natural products? I can’t speak for anyone else, but the catalyst to my personal lifestyle switch is mentioned in the beginning of an older post I wrote …
Writing a letter seems pretty outdated these days, but I’m a big fan of the lost art. I love words. Formulating them, speaking them, listening to them, …
My morning routine is surprisingly pretty structured for such a spontaneous person! 6:15 I encounter the worst sound in the world from my phone alarm and hit snooze in a …
I created this blog for the woman who longs to have a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle. My hope is that it’s a judgement-free place for her to explore with a morning …
Porn is becoming widely accepted as a social norm. And because this is a healthy lifestyle blog – I feel like I’m doing you guys a disservice if I don’t talk about …
Before I got married, I had beautiful ideas about what marriage should look like. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but secretly I thought it wouldn’t be that hard either. I …
“Entitlement is a delusion built on self-centeredness and laziness.” I. love. this. quote. Let me be real with you guys…..98% of my time spent with my daughter is filled with …