How I Use Essential Oils + My Favorite Diffuser
Jul 8, 2018
I’ve heard mixed reviews when it comes to using essential oils.
Some ladies swear these little magic oils can do anything except bring a person back from the dead. #onlyjesuscandothat
Other people claim they don’t work and it’s all psychological. And some women I’ve spoken with say, “You have to use them consistently in order to see results.”
As you know by now, I enjoy finding natural and organic alternatives for the home.
So, I decided to jump in and see what essential oils do for my little family.
I thought you might want to see how a “non essential oils person” uses essential oils.
1). Frankincense – I diffuse this during prayer time, quiet time, and during my morning devotional with coffee or tea. It really calms the soul and allows for a deeper spiritual connection.
2). Lemon – This might be my favorite essential oil for Spring and Summer. I diffuse this when I want to feel happy or when I want my space to smell clean and fresh.
3). Stress Away – This is great for the afternoons. I typically roll some on my wrists before I pick up Audri from school so that I’m clear headed and present when I’m with her. I don’t want to her experience any “adult” stress.
4). Lavender – I splash a few drops in my bath water for a nice, relaxing bath. I also diffuse this in Audri’s room while I read her a book and get her ready for bedtime.
5). Peace and Calming – I diffuse it 30 minutes before Paul and I go to sleep (and put some on the bottom of my feet) for a good night’s rest. The best part is that I don’t feel groggy when I wake up in the morning (like I do after taking melatonin).
These five essential oils really work for Paul, Audri, and I.
Audri thinks my diffuser is THE coolest thing in the world and could watch it change colors all day!
Ah, to be five again…
If you’re not a fan of bright colors, you can set it to MIST only, and the color of the diffuser stays pure white.
Essential oils should not be diffused for more than 30 minutes at a time, so my favorite thing about this specific diffuser is the timer. When I set the timer, I don’t have to monitor when I started and when I need to turn it off. It goes off automatically.
I found this diffuser on Amazon for only $14. Click below:
Here are a few other oils I’ve heard work really well, but I can’t tell you from experience.
Gentle Baby – I have heard this is great for diffusing in your baby’s nursery for nap time. As well as, placing a few drops onto dryer balls instead of using disposal dryer sheets. This is great if you’re trying to reduce waste but want your laundry to smell fresh.
Purification – This supposedly rids the air of odor. I would definitely diffuse this while cooking dinner to remove the stinky meat odor from my kitchen. If you have a baby, you can place a few drops on a cotton pad and throw inside of his or her diaper pail that way your house won’t smell.
Sidenote: my momma uses the brand, Young Living (and has quite the impressive collection) including the books and the app.
That’s also what I use for the time being…
I’ve heard to use the doTERRA brand from my fellow clean beauty friends, but those oils are more concentrated which can trigger my seizure disorder.
Yes, there are certain ones I can’t use due to my epilepsy. If you have a friend with a seizure disorder – who uses essential oils – make sure to share this post with them.
Essential Oils I Cannot Use:
- Fennel
- Eucalyptus
- Hyssop
- Rosemary
- Pennyroyal
- Tansy
- Sage
- Thuja
- Wormwood
Do you currently use essential oils or are you curious to try them?
Let me know by leaving a comment below because I love to hear from you.
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Cheri Hedges
Yes, I have friends who make them seem like miracles – so I appreciate your info/experiences!
Haha I’ve been hearing about their “magic powers” from my friends too! Thanks for stopping by! I really like oils now!
Love them and use them everyday! They are great in supporting mine and my family’s health! I love YoungLiving!
I’m a fan now also!! Thank you for commenting Ruby!!