Read The Bible in 365 Days – The Plan and The Reason
Dec 31, 2017
Tomorrow is the beginning of a completely different chapter in my life (and your life). It’s exciting. It’s refreshing. It’s inspiring. You and I have another year to dream. Another year to pursue our God-given purpose. Another year to design the life we want. The life we secretly wish for doesn’t have to be for “someone else” – it’s ours for the taking. (I talk about the differences between purpose, calling, and vision in my book here).
One of the ways I want to radically change my life is to study the Bible. I want to look deep into the Word of God, understand His voice personally, and hear Him speak to me through the text. I want to constantly be in His presence. I want to travel where He traveled, understand the men and women he used as change agents, paint an accurate picture of God for myself….not who society says He is. I want to read the bible in 365 days. As a commitment to God. And to myself. That when I say God’s the most important person in my life, I mean it. It’s a lofty goal. And I’m so glad you’re joining me on this journey. It’s the most valuable thing I can bring to this blog. I asked on Insta stories if anyone would be interested in seeing my bible reading plan for the new year, and I got “YES” messages so here we are. Here’s the entire schedule. Don’t let it overwhelm you. We will take this one day at a time. I know this time spent walking through the Bible will radically transform your life. Because it’s transformed mine. Every time I read a verse the Holy Spirit reveals something new or clarifying for the specific situation I’m in. To read the Bible in 365 days is no easy feat though, friends. We have to commit a large portion of our time to learning and reflecting on the words or it’s all in vain. The goal is to learn and fall deeper into our relationship with our Creator. Like we’ve been craving all along…
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Can’t wait to get started! Thanks for sharing this Bible reading plan!!!
Yay! Thank you for joining!