Eight Big Decisions During Eight Years Of Marriage
May 28, 2024
Today marks eight years of marriage for Paul and I. What a ride it’s been! The last time I posted about our wedding anniversary, it was centered around five things we had learned about one another during marriage. This year, I thought I would share eight big decisions we’ve made during eight years of marriage.
Vows—Our wedding day was the first real decision we made together as an adult couple. Growing up, I was nervous about marriage. I knew it would be one of the biggest decisions of my life and so I made pros/cons lists, gathered data, and asked questions. I prayed and I trusted my instincts. God eventually blessed me with someone that is perfect for me and I can’t image my life without him.
Children—Paul stepped into my life while I was in a season of single motherhood. Audri was two when we became “serious” and fostering this familial bond was a beautiful decision. We knew we also wanted children together, but we weren’t sure of the timing or how many. With these sweet girls here, and one baby in heaven, we feel full of love and contentment in our home. If God calls us to adopt in the future, we would make that decision together just as we’ve made big decisions before, one step at a time.
Moving/Buying A Home—We loved our first home in Frisco, and we miss our fragrant magnolia trees out front. But this move to Prosper has felt like a divine blessing. We haven’t completed our interior design updates, but those cosmetic decisions will be ever-changing. The things we have established in our home are the ones that will outlast us. The traditions we keep and the daily rhythms we learn about one another.
Owning/Operating Our Family Business—Although we understood that working together would be risky, we took the leap and never looked back. We knew that the decision to build Intentional Counseling would not only impact us. It would impact our family, clients, and the therapists we would eventually hire. We are beyond grateful to pursue something every day that helps others.
Church—Establishing a home church in which to nourish our relationships with God, with our family, and with others, was a huge decision that we didn’t take lightly. We ultimately chose a non-denominational, Bible church that we love and attend every Sunday. We volunteer as a family for whatever the church needs at the time and Audri serves in the children’s ministry and loves it.
Pets—Surprising Audri with our new puppy back in 2017, was a memorable moment. She snuggled with her the entire day and I knew we had made a great decision. Zoey is now a large, fluffy Akita who is loyal and brings all of us joy and laughter.
Tech—Our house is filled with activities and toys to keep us occupied. We stick to the “under two-hour screen” rule per day. It’s pretty easy to manage because neither of the girls have iPads or phones. We can choose a family movie to watch or Audri can play on her switch and Averi can play on her LeapPad. After an hour, the girls are usually ready to play in the play room or outside.
Book—God gave me the idea and the title of the book I was supposed to write. The decision to follow through on that idea impacted everyone in my home. For a year, I spent most of my Sundays writing from the moment we got home from church to the moment I fell asleep. The laundry did not get done except when absolutely necessary. Dishes filled the sink for days and I didn’t foster my social life well. We all sacrificed things so that I could execute on that vision from God.
We have faced sickness and loss and hardship just like everyone else. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude, though, that God would entrust these people and this life to me, and I’m doing my very best to steward it well. Thank you for coming along on this adventure with us.