One Year With Averi June…
May 14, 2020
Hi Junebug,
I am in awe of how God made you.
After Audri was born, I didn’t think I could love someone else as much as I could love my first born.
Then I got pregnant again but lost him before I could hold him.
Then I saw you for the first time.
I’ll never forget it.
Love hit me just as hard and fast as it did with Audri.
I can’t explain it.
My love isn’t different between the two of you. It’s completely equal. It’s expansive and all encompassing. I guess that’s how God feels about us…
You are special and unique.
Your little hands and little feet (wrinkly and red from falling and crawling) make me giggle.
Your open-mouth “sugars” make my heart warm.
How fast you crawl and move about the house makes me cry. Was it not just yesterday that I snuck you out of that cold hospital bassinet and placed you onto my warm chest so that you could fall asleep to my heartbeat?
The way you learn my face by tracing it with your finger, reminds me to re-discover the familiar all around me. To be observant and stay in touch with my own sense of childlike wonder.
I love when you tuck your chin into your chest and snuggle your head into the crevice of my neck. You get so excited and wiggle your feet and scream. All is well in the world when you hug me, baby girl.
The way you smile from ear to ear and bounce up and down in excitement every morning when I walk into the room, makes me laugh.
Audri thinks you’re so funny when you sing in the car over the radio. You love to sing. I hope you never stop.
The way you look to me for approval after you’ve put a toy together, makes my heart leap.
I love how fun you think it is to play with Zoey’s fluffy tail. And the fact that when you see a bunny, you say dog. You love bunnies and dogs so much that your first birthday theme was “some bunny turned one”….
I doubt you will ever read this, but I’m already so proud of you. I always will be. No amount of success or failure or accomplishment or good grades or bad friends can ever make me love you less.
My love is unconditional and true and everlasting.
You are so passionate, Averi baby. You burst open with joy and big laughter and crazy fun energy. When you’re unhappy, you make a very cute mad face that isn’t the least bit intimidating.
The way you and your sister love each other is the single most innocent and pure thing I’ve ever seen. I hope you two stay close, always. It’s precious to witness.
You are a tiny glimpse of heaven on earth, my dear.
You are sensitive, caring, tender, beautiful, strong, happy and engaging!
I can’t possibly describe what you mean to me and what you will continue to mean to our family as we grow older together.
I thank God every single day for you. I pray every time I sit with you in the rocking chair. I pray over your mind and heart and soul and body. That God would protect them and nurture them. I pray that he will use you to do much for his kingdom. I pray that someday you can feel even a tiny bit of the depth at which I love you.
Forever yours,
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Beautifully written!! ❤️
Thank you!!