Fitness, Mindfulness

My Favorite Prenatal Exercise

Jan 19, 2019


I like to check in with my mind/heart/body/soul EVERY day to see what I need more (or less of) in my life.

Then I listen and take action!

When I ask myself this question every day, I almost always answer the same way….”I need alone time with God.”

So, taking action looks like this:

I stop what I’m doing, and read a devotional and reflect on the verses in my study bible with a blanket and cup of something to sip on (smoothie, tea, lemon water, coffee)… whatever I’m in the mood for.

My husband calls this morning spot the “Chair of Wisdom” haha. 😉

Then I finish whatever I was doing (much more settled and peaceful) because I knew what I needed and responded accordingly.

This goes without saying, but I love knowing that I don’t have to succumb to vices in life. That I can take responsibility for my mind, my actions, and ultimately my LIFE, by living intuitively and intentionally. I can craft the kind-of life I desire even when things don’t go as planned. It’s a beautiful gift from God that I don’t take for granted.

So, what does my mind/heart/body/soul need more of lately?


  • I’m halfway through my pregnancy, which is wonderful (but awkward) when it comes to working out.
  • I can go for a walk, but it’s harder these days to bring my dog with me, because she’s so large and my core isn’t as strong.
  • I can go to the gym to use the treadmill, but I can’t enjoy a Zumba class or lift weights over 40lbs.
  • It’s too cold to swim.
  • I’m too far along to practice ballet, modern, or jazz dance because my balance isn’t as good.

The list goes on and on – you get it…

I finally found the perfect exercise for pregnancy: prenatal yoga classes!

I see why it’s a mama’s go-to…I’ve been using this dvd for awhile now, and I have fallen in love with it!


If you click on the image above, it will show you a little more about the specific workout I do!

I guess I enjoy prenatal yoga so much that my husband noticed.

For Christmas, he gifted me a few things to help modify the poses as I get further along in my pregnancy like a yoga chair and a foam block.

Below are a few things that help with yoga at any stage (pre-baby, with baby, post-baby or no baby). 😉 


Here are some things I’ve noticed since making prenatal yoga a ritual in my life over the past few months:

  • If I do it right before bed, my sleep improves tremendously. If I do it with Audri, our bond strengthens and she feels included/loved.
  • It instantly reduces my stress and anxiety.
  • It helped me overcome my first trimester depression which I talk a little bit about in this post.
  • My shortness of breath doesn’t come as often anymore, because I’ve been practicing deep breathing exercises.
  • It’s a fun way to connect with baby Averi!


As my pregnancy continues, I expect that yoga will better prepare me for childbirth. It already helps me focus on opening up for labor instead of being scared and tense.

Not to mention, I will be stronger, more flexible, and I’ll have more endurance!

Thank you for stopping by today! I hope you are encouraged to listen and respect your health needs, because you are worth it!

Photography Bryan Grayson

Jan 19, 2019 | Fitness, Mindfulness