8 Examples Of Motherhood In The Bible
Feb 19, 2025
Motherhood is a special club, a large clan of women called by God to lead and shape future generations. Whether you’re a biological mother, adoptive mother, surrogate mother, or godmother, you’re a real-life superhero. As I dive deep into the scriptures lately, I find wonderful examples of motherhood in the bible. These are the eight ladies I’d like to focus on in today’s post:
1) Mary, the mother of Jesus, was quite possibly the most special woman in the motherhood club. She was God’s chosen vessel—consistently walking in faith and endurance. If I could meet anyone dead or alive, it would be her!
2) Sarah struggled with infertility, as so many women do. Although God eventually blessed her with children, this isn’t always the case for women today. If you’re finding it difficult to conceive, please know that your patience is seen. If you choose to adopt or foster, those children are exactly who God intended you to raise and nurture.
3) Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, became a mother later in life. Her connection to Mary reminds me of the importance of community, even in old age. We’ve all heard that raising children takes a village. While not everyone has the luxury of asking for help, we can certainly schedule play dates and evenings with friends.
4) Ruth showed devotion and loyalty to her mother-in-law even as she was grieving her husband’s death. This teaches me that motherly love extends beyond the biological. We can choose our loved ones and we can show up for them consistently.
5) Hannah’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of prayer. Sometimes God waits on us to speak to Him, to let our desires out, to plead with Him, and to pray boldly before He blesses us. Sometimes prayer changes history.
6) The hospitable Shunammite woman from 2 Kings 4 experienced the most painful thing that a mother could go through, the death of her child. Even in the midst of that tragedy, she had faith that God would perform a miracle. Her unyielding trust in God’s ability was eventually rewarded, and the child was brought back to life.
7) Bathsheba also experienced the loss of her child, but God did not bring him back to life. She was later destined to become the mother of Solomon, the wisest man in the world. Bathsheba helped guide her son and did not allow her adulterous past to define her. Ultimately, Solomon became one of the greatest kings in history.
8) Jochebed courageously hid her son, Moses, from Pharaoh for several weeks. When she could no longer hide him, she let him go gently, all the while trusting that God would protect that innocent baby in the basket. God redeemed the situation by intervening on her behalf, letting her nurse and care for Moses until he grew up.
As I study these wide-ranging examples of motherhood in the bible, I learn that every journey is unique. Although my path is sometimes filled with sorrow, sacrifice, and hardships, it is also filled with sweet times of immense joy, love, and connection. I hope I continue to walk in faith and strength like these ladies before me.