Why I Choose Modesty
Feb 10, 2016
What does modesty mean to me?
Modesty is not a thorough list of clothes I don’t allow myself to wear.
Modesty is a way of life for me – associated with wholesomeness, wisdom, grace, elegance, and discretion. Without it, my beauty is worthless. Prov. 11:22 states, “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.” Modesty is about respect. Respect for myself, my body, my co-workers, my friends, and my spouse. 1 Cor. 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
Because my body belongs to the Lord, is a member of Christ, and is the Holy Spirit’s temple, I treat it with respect. The way this manifests itself is by wearing less revealing clothing, preventing outward beauty from becoming an idol, keeping my heart guarded from overvaluing clothes, and eliminating temptation for others and myself.
Why is modesty important to me?
I’m called to be modest. Numerous times the holy, God-breathed text states it. 1 Peter 3:3-4 is a prime example. Peter was not condemning ALL outward adornment (modern day decorations and accessories). His condemnation is for a ceaseless pursuit or obsession of outward things to the complete disregard of one’s character.
I’m an extremely creative person and I love to express myself through the art of fashion, but I understand that “a gentle and quiet spirit” is a beauty that never decays. That’s why I place value and work into these character traits instead of my beautiful clothes that eventually fall apart, get lost, or go out of style.
How do I cultivate a modest heart while blogging and selling apparel?
Being modest does not come naturally, because I’m undeniably desensitized by secular society – just like everyone else. That’s why it’s vital for myself to stay in the Word of God, and find like-minded women to “do life with”. The modest fashion community is growing and I couldn’t be happier! We need to connect and lift each other up with scripture/prayer, because we are the anthesis of what the world sees as “attractive”.
And most importantly – I’m called to give all glory to God – no matter what I’m doing. 1 Cor. 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
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More Is More | Miss Madeline Rose
[…] to the popular quote in the fashion industry, “Less is More.” Ciara wrote an article on “Why I Choose Modesty” that I think is a wonderful […]
Jane D.
“And most importantly – I’m called to give all glory to God – no matter what I’m doing. 1 Cor. 10:31”
I strongly agree with you on this as it is very easy for us to loose sight and think everything we have achieved in this life, we have done it alone- thereby putting God into the back-burner.But by being modest, we come to realize that God is the center of our lives and we are thus bound to give him all the glory,honor and adoration. Thanks for this master piece Ciara. Keep it up!