Faith, Mental Health, Mindfulness

My Work/Life Balance Schedule

Jan 5, 2019

I use the Bible’s simple illustration for work/life balance:

Work for six days. Rest for one day. Repeat.

Although there is a ton of evidence that shows working a full week without rest is scary and dangerous for your wellbeing….it’s easy to do….especially in America!

Finding work/life balance isn’t necessarily the same as overall healthy living, sustainable living, toxic-free living, or anything else I write about.

All of those things are separate. For instance, in this post I break down 5 categories you can evaluate to see if you’re living an overall “healthy” life or not.

Today’s topic, however, is strictly about when to work and when not to…

My work/life balance tip is as simple as this:

  • find a job you really like (because you’re going to spend 1/3 of your life there) and work hard at it for six days. “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” – Colossians 3: 23
  • Then, choose one day out of the week to rest and stick to the no-work rule! 🙂
  • If your full time job is motherhood or homemaking, choose a day where you leave the dishes in the sink, the laundry in the hamper, the bed unmade, the bills untouched, and put off what you normally consider work.
  • If you work from home or have a 9-5 at an office, choose a day of rest and unplug from your devices for the majority of the day. Set boundaries by not responding to those emails or scrolling social media.
  • Only then, can you go back to your normal work life recharged after 24 hours of resting, having fun, and relaxing.


Don’t stress trying to find this elusive work/life balance for 2019…

Simplify the process in your mind. Six days of work. One day off. Make ’em count!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Photography Bryan Grayson

Jan 5, 2019 | Faith, Mental Health, Mindfulness


  1. Lauretta

    I think that I will try this. Lol. I need some balance in my life.

    1. VeiledFree

      I hope you create that balance asap!

  2. Ali

    That’s awesome. You are right about everything. I am working from home. I had been working for 5 months without resting. I had to break the last 10 days. I learnt that i should rest at least one day every two weeks 😀

    1. VeiledFree

      Resting is vital to our growth and wellbeing. I’m proud of you for taking a break! Thank you for stopping by!

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