My 2025 vision board is a digital representation of my dreams, meant to inspire and motivate me throughout the new year. If you’d like to create your own 2025 vision board, here are my best tips:
- Decide on a digital software. I like Canva.
- Schedule a time to do it. I gave myself a morning off for this project.
- Answer these questions:
- What’s my word of the year? Mine is blessing. I’d love to receive God’s grace in a fuller way this year, instead of nervously trying to earn it. Once I accept God’s blessing as an act of unconditional love—rather than an impossible debt which I could never repay—I will have the ability to be a blessing to others.
- What colors embody how I want to feel in 2025? I chose muted rainbow colors. This color palette speaks to me right now, giving me hope for a year filled with variety, which I’m craving. And, this color combination makes me feel happy, vibrant, and unique.
- When I imagine my dream year, it looks like? For me, God is in the center of it, hence the image of the opened Bible and the quote in the middle of my vision board, “He delights in you.” I’ll place a bigger emphasis on my physical health this year by alternating between yoga and zumba. Family time continues to be high on the list of priorities—simply being together fills my cup more than anything else. Other parts of my dream year include regular date nights, stewarding my female friendships, and traveling. A heart of service is at the core of my family business, my writing, and my parenting so I’d like to include to the list, serving my local church more.
- Pick images to match your dream. Pinterest is my go to.
- Place your 2025 vision board somewhere highly visible as a daily reminder. Mine is currently my desktop wallpaper.
I hope you enjoy setting your own intentions. Refrain from judging yourself too harshly and get real about what you want and need this year. I wish you all the best!